From one parent to another...
Designed by a mother of 4 and a health care professional. When Chrissy's 3rd and 4th babies hated being seated in an upright position she researched ways to make them more comfortable. The pillow replaces rolled blankets or towels often recommended for positioning support, but stays in place and doesn't unravel.
Chrissy's passion for this little pillow grew, as the nurse in her drove her to research potential benefits and found that positioning support could have helped prevent and/or treat her eldest daughter's flat spot (plagiocephaly). Plagiocephaly has historically been considered a cosmetic concern but can have long term effects - such as asymmetry of facial features and discomfort wearing protective head equipment - both of which affect her daughter.
We can't wait for Ellie & Emmett to be a part of your daily adventures!
Provide proper positional support for babe’s head, neck and spine
Make your little more comfortable
Be used at home and on the go - in swings, strollers and more
Would last for several years (infant - preschool)
Be stylish
Be Affordable
Be endorsed by health professionals
Designed by a mom of 4, who is also a health professional, our “one size fits all” pillow is comfortable and functional for newborn babes to preschoolers.
Our pillows are endorsed by parents and health professionals alike for supervised use. Using the Ellie & Emmett Pillow for proper positioning of the head, neck and spine helps babe continue sensorimotor development in the 4th trimester and beyond.
Use of the Ellie & Emmett positional support pillow can help decrease the risk, and can aide in the treatment of "flat head syndrome" (plagiocephaly) and Torticollis (tight neck muscles) in infants. The pillow can also help babies with reflux and colic rest easier, and provide much-needed support to children with low muscle tone.

The shop button will take you to our primary retailer - Loop Kids, where you can shop our full line of products online.

AGES & STAGES: How to use your Ellie & Emmett Pillow
Newborn - Rolling
For both head & body support
Swing, Bouncy chair
Bassinet, Loungers (awake)
Car seat/bassinet on your stroller
Side lying - great for play time to get babe off the back of their head
Infants (rolling +) & Preschoolers
previously listed uses &
Hiking backpack
Travel Pillow - planes, trains and automobiles!
Children with Medical needs requiring positioning support
previously listed uses &
High chairs for feeding support
Other specialized supportive seating and standing devices
Spica Casts - leg & body positioning
Positional Support Pillows are NOT a medical devices. Please consult with your qualified medical professional with your specific questions.
Always use under the direct supervision of a responsible caregiver
Positional Support Pillows replace the rolled towels or blankets often recommended for positional support, which slip and unravel. They do NOT attach to any restraint mechanisms or go behind the baby's back, where restraint mechanisms are placed.
For Head Support: The thin fabric that connects the pillows rest in the empty space behind baby's neck, with pillows resting on either side of baby's head. If positioned properly the pillow continues to allow for intentional range of motion, and will not push baby's head forward, or chin to chest.
Can my infant use a positional support pillow in a car seat?
Car seat manufacturers make recommendations regarding use of "aftermarket products", Please refer to your car seat manual(s) before using a positional support pillow in a moving vehicle. Use your pillow in your car seat on a stroller base, or while carrying your car seat.
Can my infant use a positional support pillow while sleeping?
Positional Support pillows are NOT intended for use in cribs or other sleeping areas, as per Health Canada & World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations for safe sleep.
Health Canada advises the following:
Put your baby on his or her back to sleep, both at nap time and at bedtime.
Your baby's crib should be completely empty, except for the crib's mattress and fitted sheet.
Always use under the direct supervision of a responsible caregiver
How do we use our Ellie Ears Pillow?
Head Support: Place baby in their supported seating device (swing, bouncy chair, stroller) or laying flat on the floor, bassinet etc. Slide the thin connector, behind baby's neck, with pillows framing baby's head. Pull the ends of the pillows OVER the top of baby's shoulder's. The connector rests in the natural empty space behind the neck, without pushing the head forward. The pillow does NOT connect to restraint mechanisms, it is held in place by the seat back & baby's body.
Body Support: Place pillow on a firm flat surface. Lay baby’s body between the pillows, on the middle section, in the desired position - side lying or flat on their back. Adjust and tuck pillows for comfort and support
How do we wash our Pillow?
All of our products are cold wash, tumble dry - do you think a parent of 4 would have it any other way?